Flavors: Essential for Harm Reduction
Flavored vapes often face criticism, with opponents claiming that flavors are the primary reason many people start vaping, even those without a history of cigarette smoking. However, flavors such as strawberry, apple, and blueberry are frequently cited as the key factors that help current cigarette smokers transition to vapor products. In an industry focused on harm reduction, it is crucial to provide options for those looking to switch from harmful cigarettes.
A recent study has shown that smokers who tried menthol-flavored vape devices – particularly those who previously smoked non-menthol cigarettes – were significantly more likely to make the switch to vaping entirely. This adds to the growing body of evidence indicating that flavored vape products play a vital role in helping smokers quit cigarettes. Researchers suggest that the novelty of new flavors may help create a mental distinction between vaping and smoking, paving the way for developing a new and safer habit.
Advocates for stricter regulations on vape flavors often call for tobacco to be the only legal flavor. However, imposing such regulations could have disastrous consequences for the multi-billion dollar vaping industry that relies on consumer choice. A 2020 National Institute of Health survey involving over 1,500 vapers found that nearly 65% preferred to use non-tobacco flavors. More recently, the Canadian province of Quebec implemented a total ban on flavored vaping products. A year later, youth vaping skyrocketed, and 36% of vapers shifted back to conventional tobacco cigarettes, which was not the outcome lawmakers had anticipated.
When given the option, it’s abundantly clear that responsible adults wish to get away from the taste cigarettes provide. Time and time again, heavy-handed regulation of flavors causes more harm than good, opening up nicotine users to black market products or regression back to the cancer sticks. The freedom of choice and customizability of flavored vapor is necessary to assist smokers and ensure a clear path to a smoke-free lifestyle.